Thursday, April 18, 2013


From Sammie:


That's my kind of person -- the one with the license plate that reads, "LVSLOW"! One of my main goals is to learn to live slow (slowly?) -- or perhaps gently -- or more simply.

I sped up to see what kind of person actually pays to have this enticing slogan on his/her license plate. But, wouldn't you know, I couldn't go fast enough to get a glimpse of the driver!

I say I want to live more slowly, but instead I:

* Drive 80 mph in a 70 mph zone;
* Glare at my watch every 10 seconds that the speaker takes more than her allotted 30 minutes;
* Tap my foot impatiently to let everyone in the checkout line know just how perturbed I am by waiting;
* Remember the many mornings my most gentle words to my children were: "Hurry uppppppp! We're late!"
* Don't allow enough time to get to a meeting, which means I arrive out of breath and frantic;
* Fail to plan meals, so I, of course, eat fast food;
* Make an impossible to-do list, setting myself up to fail -- or do a scrubby job on those tasks I do complete;
* Have great intentions for all the cards I'll send, meals I'll prepare for others, visits I'll make, but I'm too busy and too tired to make all that happen.

So, now and then I have to say it -- "Slow down; breathe; smell the roses; live in the moment....."

But, later. Maybe tomorrow. Right now I have to be somewhere -- fast!