Saturday, February 2, 2013

From Lucretia

A few years ago I began to explore what a simple life plan for me would look like. Many people have written about simplicity, and I realized that I needed to articulate my plan too. This was driven by the self-knowledge that if I didn’t put it on paper, or on the calendar, it wouldn’t happen. Many of my New Year’s resolutions and good intentions fizzled because they remained as philosophical ideas in my head.

I have refined this simple plan several times over the last two years until it has become part of me.  There is an awareness of each piece and a little voice in my head that begs me to consider those words on the paper as I make decisions about products. 

Bill and I are working together to create an original art piece (paper and canvas) of my simple life plan, and we have the perfect spot to hang it in our little home when its finished.

One aspect of our plan is to reduce the amount of unknown chemicals in our life. Fabric softener went out of the house this month. We’ve discovered that 2 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in a pint of water and poured in the wash cycle softens all our clothes better than any liquid softener or dryer sheet ever did and for pennies comparatively. 

We air dry all synthetics on an indoor drying rack so static electricity isn’t a problem. Sheets and towels are whiter, without bleach or costly additives, softer and fresher without dyes, perfumes, or other unknown chemicals. 

As my friend Pat says, “It makes me happy!” And, I think Granny would be happy too.


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