Wednesday, February 6, 2013

From Sammie:

The 10% Challenge

            Recently, I heard someone say that they had set a goal to be 10% more simple in several aspects of their life. Now, I don’t know whether that meant 10% in a year or in a shorter time, and, of course, changes to simple living are fairly difficult to quantify.

            But that statement stuck in my mind. I have simplified so much in the past few years, but I immediately knew I could make a 10% further change in many areas. Could I eliminate 10% more clutter? Be 10% more environmentally efficient? Spend 10% less? Simplify my routines by 10%?

            What would a 10% move toward simplicity look like for you? Here are some thoughts:

1.      Clothing. My closet contains several items of clothes that I could wear. They still fit and there’s nothing wrong with them. But I don’t wear them. If I’m not going to wear these perfectly good clothes, could I donate them (at least 10% of them)?

2.      Food. If I’m more careful about not wasting food, could I buy less food? That means using up the obnoxious leftovers in soup or casseroles. I might also cut down 10% by just eating less! (Now that’s a radical idea, right?)

3.      Money. No doubt that if I plan better, I spend less money. I often buy something at a higher price because I get down to the wire and haven’t planned well.

4.      Environment. I almost always carry my cloth bags to the grocery store, but still I seem to collect those pesky plastic bags from other places, too. Retail businesses use plastic bags, so I need to remember to bring my own bags when shopping at the dollar store or the big chain stores. Easily I could cut down my use of plastic.

5.      Books or magazines. Okay, this is my greatest vice! I love books and magazines. My city has a wonderful Friends of the Library store, and I frequently buy books there for $1 and $2 and magazines for $.10. When I feel the urge to buy a new book, FOL should be my first stop. Now and then, a new book or magazine is a treat, but I can find treasures so I cut down on purchases and not give up my book and magazine habit.

What about you? Can you take the 10% challenge and simplify your time, money, possessions, or creation care?

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